DG Accessible Designs Ltd is a project management company specialising in repairing, improving and adapting homes for the vulnerable members in our community. Our clients include; disabled children and adults, older people and those with long term or terminal illness, enabling them to continue to live independently. Led by a friendly and approachable family centred team, we aim to provide a fast and effective solution to adapting the homes of those in need of support.
We work with local authorities and partner agencies to help older homeowners, disabled people, those on low incomes and many others to retain their independence.
We offer a simplified approach to help and guide clients through the entire process, whether that be a simple repair, a large extension or something in between, providing support and services tailored to individual needs.
A dedicated and experienced member of the team will oversee the works through from start to finish ensuring you have one point of contact for the whole project. This allows us to deliver a better experience for our clients that is faster, more efficient and better value for money. We’ll keep you informed throughout the process, so you’ll know what’s happening and when.
Our services are available on a funded or paid-for basis. We can help you find out if you are eligible and help with applications for funding.